Welcome to Grand Strand Vision in Myrtle Beach, SC
Dr. Mark T. Dean, OD, FCOVD and his team provide specialized eye care that goes beyond just eyeglasses and 20/20 Vision. At Grand Strand Vision, we are dedicated to providing the highest level of vision care, including special care for many types of vision problems including low vision, brain injury and concussion recovery, ADHD, autism, strabismus, lazy eye, and much more.
Meet Our Doctor, Mark T. Dean, OD, FCOVD
As a specialty care eye doctor, I always look beyond 20/20 eyesight as the sole definition of good vision when I do a visual exam or provide care. That’s because I know that MANY visual skills, such as eye teaming, eye focusing, eye tracking and more are essential to “normal,” good or so-called perfect vision and that deficiencies in these critical visual skills can cause poor performance in learning, reading, sports and even ATTENTION.
Vision Therapy Services
Vision Therapy includes procedures designed to correct visual-motor and/or perceptual-cognitive deficiencies and enhance the brain’s ability to control many other functions.
Comprehensive Vision Exams
Our comprehensive eye health and vision exam goes beyond 20/20 to evaluate many important visual skills. There’s so much more to healthy vision than 20/20!
Insurances We Accept At Grand Strand Vision
If you need help figuring out your coverage, we invite you to call our office for guidance before you come in for your visit. Our Billing & Insurance staff has experience working with most major insurance companies and will be glad to help.